Find the Price on Quotation of an Item

select unit_price
from (
select pha.po_header_id, pha.segment1, pha.reply_date, pla.unit_price, pha.currency_code, pha.*, pla.*
from po_headers_all@pavckm_live pha
, po_lines_all@pavckm_live pla
where pha.type_lookup_code = ‘QUOTATION’
and pha.status_lookup_code = ‘A’
and pha.po_header_id = pla.po_header_id
and pha.vendor_site_id = 115555
and pla.item_id = 1560639
order by pha.reply_date desc
where rownum = 1


Note: select first row:

where rownum = 1