The role of SaaS and open source in mid-market ERP

Gartner sees an increasing availability of software-as-a-service (SaaS) ERP systems, and, unlike in large enterprises, where SaaS ERP use is limited, SaaS ERP is playing an increasingly important role in both back- and front-office applications for mid-market companies. Cost reductions in implementation and operation are one of the important drivers for SaaS ERP, and SaaS offerings avoid the need for upfront capital expenditures because they can be funded as an operational expense. However, when analysing the total cost of ownership of SaaS ERP over five years, Gartner finds that SaaS is not necessarily less expensive than on-premises ERP.

NetSuite is the largest example for a SaaS-based ERP suite. It offers a broad range of application modules, including financials and accounting, purchasing, payroll, order management, inventory control, and employee management, as well as built-in integration with its CRM and e-commerce capabilities on the same platform. Gartner has spoken to customers that expressed a high level of satisfaction with NetSuite’s offerings.

Other notable SaaS ERP players are Plex Online (previously Plexus Online) and Glovia. SAP has also announced an on-demand ERP solution called SAP Business ByDesign.

Open source has been used extensively in infrastructure components, but it has a limited impact on ERP at this point. In the past two years, however, some new open-source software ERP suppliers have emerged with a focus on leveraging open source software to reduce the total cost of ownership of business applications, and to enable customisations that would be difficult to achieve without access to source code. Although we have doubts as to whether open source software business models actually confer these advantages on open source software ERP, these early stage offerings are nonetheless promising and should be evaluated. Examples for open source software ERP suites include Compiere and Openbravo.

Although increasing in importance, none of the SaaS or open source ERP solutions met the inclusion criteria for this Magic Quadrant, because of their number of sales or product focus. Gartner’s ERP Magic Quadrant criteria do not explicitly exclude SaaS or open source packages. The analyst firm is actively tracking their progress and expects their inclusion in future versions of its Magic Quadrant.

This is an excerpt from “The Gartner Magic Quadrant for mid-market ERP”


From Internet: –since 2010 —

Tips: Recovery Sticky Note from win7 to win10 upgrade

Do a search on your hard drives for StickyNotes.snt or just for the extension .snt .

Then right click open with and search for Sticky Notes  mine was here C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Accessories\Sticky Notes

Copy and overrwrite this file to the current foler of Win10.


That is all!

PL/SQL Developer – The Integrated Debugger


The Integrated Debugger is a very powerful tool for those problems that are hard to fix. And yet it is very easy to use. No extra actions or conversions are needed and no limitations exist. Just execute the program unit in the Debugger and step through your code. You can step into any program unit, including triggers and types. Breakpoints can be set or removed by simply clicking in the left margin of the Debugger or Program Editor. You can additionally define conditions and messages for breakpoints.Variable values can be examined in the Debugger by moving the mouse cursor over the variable name in the source. In the screenshot above, the mouse cursor is moved over the ‘p_DeptNo’ variable and its value is automatically displayed in a popup. You can set the value of a variable in a similar way. You can also execute queries and other SQL commands within the debug session, and fetch the dbms_output text while the debugger is running.

When an exception occurs, the Debugger will take you to the line that causes it and you are able to view variable values at the time of the exception. This can obviously be very helpful to find the cause of the exception.

On Oracle8i or later, you can use the Test Window’s Trace facility to trace the execution of your PL/SQL code. You can configure which events you want to trace: Calls, Exceptions, SQL, or even every executed line of PL/SQL code.
